Catawba County EcoComplex Identity Design

CLIENT: Catawba County EcoComplex
We were hired to help create a new identity for the exciting biodiesel facility in Catawba County, the first of its kind. The EcoComplex is ‘applying industrial ecology to waste management’ therefore they wanted the logo to convey ‘sustainability’. The client wanted a mark that showed the two major elements in the process: Industry and natural elements (canola & sunflowers).
The county’s development of the complex won a national award for innovation. The EcoComplex is designed to promote economic development and create new jobs in the green energy, green business, agricultural and environmental sectors. The crop processing facility cleans, dries, stores and crushes harvested seed crop, officials say. The county will produce biodiesel fuel from crops grown at the EcoComplex.
Learn more about the amazing process in the video below…
- Identity