Identity Design Samples

CLIENT: Various
Presenting several logo and identity design projects here in one Portfolio post.
In order of appearance:
1. Howard Building Science
2. Overlander Project – Artemis Event
3. AIGA Asheville – Dream Grant
4. BLack Mountain Trim & Woodwork
5. Catawba Chamber of Commerce
6. Estate Jewelry, AVL
7+8. Jitty Supplement
9. Overlander Project – Stewie
10. Overlander Project – Autumn Expedition
11. Pepper Purfect
12. Rim Repair
13. Smart Cookies
14. The Flats
15. Top Gunn Tile
16. Turgua Brewing
17. Wilco’s Solid Sound Festival
18. Sun-Kool
- Apparel
- Design
- Identity