Nakamura House & Murasaki Mura

We checked out the Nakamura home in central Okinawa, a house typical of a rich farmer back in the 15th century. We also enjoyed some time at the re creation of an ancient Okinawan village during the Ryukyu Kingdom dynasty, 14th and 15th centuries. Lots of arts and crafts to check out, so we tried our hands at a glass making workshop, an art that Ryukyu are well known for. Nana clearly has ties to the bloodline…Matt? Nassomush.

Check out the awesome cliffs near Cape Zampa, absolutely beautiful.


  1. pfah on June 3, 2008 at 2:29 am

    can you jump into the water from the cliffs, or is it too dangerous?

    taking a running start and launching yourself from there sounds like a great idea to me.

    but i’m retarded, so take that into consideration.

    looks beautiful you two. what an amazing place to be visiting.

    love you both.


  2. cnjlopez on June 3, 2008 at 2:41 am

    So at first I’m looking at the picture of Nana and wondering why she’s wearing Mickey Mouse gloves…then I realize that she and Matt appear to be wearing the same skirt. Hmmm…so it took me a few minutes to get what was going on, but I eventually got it. Pretty neat. And I wondered about the water temperature, too. It looks way too pretty to think that it is cold.

    It was 91 here on Saturday, working at the construction site all day. Quick Build officially starts tomorrow AM. We’ll be thinking of you while we are sweating it out. Love you both!

    Chris & Jess

  3. buctoothappleman on June 3, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Wow! Looks like your “business trip” is going swell! Yes, I’m hitting the “quote fingers” really emphatically. I truly hope you scored one of those Banana Babies at the Market for me. Whee! Continue swimming! Awwwww! Continue!

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