Parting shots

Well, it’s late Monday night and we are packing for our early flight Tuesday a.m. Looking forward to seeing everybody and getting home safely. Not really looking forward to 15 + hours of flying, airports, etc. Messes with the noodle that we will leave Japan on Tuesday morning and arrive in the states late Tuesday afternoon…can you say JET LAG? Oof.

Met some really sweet friends at the Kingdom Hall on Sunday (shots below), fun sisters Rie & Reiko with Nana. It was the English speaking congregation in Okinawa, the ONLY one on the island, so they have their hands full with territory, etc. The hall was painted light yellow last visit, now it’s light purple, a very island feel to it!

We have had an amazing time, it was really great to see the comments shared. Here’s some parting shots of beautiful Okinawa…we hope to make it back again one day…Sayonara for now.

-Matt & Nana

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