GIG! poster show in Charleston, SC!
We are very happy to once again be a part of “GIG!” the poster show that features 70+ gigposters from a bunch of artists. Where: 52.5 Records, 561 King St.,…

3 New Posters for GOMEZ now available!
HOT OFF THE PRESS: Three new posters have been designed and printed for the very talented band Gomez. They are all available for purchase @ gigposters.com. Click the following link…

Tom Pfahlert: Memories
We’re veering from our average posts here today to share a very personal memory of our father Tom Pfahlert, who passed away two years ago today. We hope you enjoy……

New Gomez posters (coming soon)!
We are super excited that the band Gomez and their management commissioned three new posters from us recently! Each one supports a different date for their upcoming California dates: one…

Discussing Your Opinion Could Win You 4 posters!
So here’s the deal for all of our Facebook Fans (are you a fan yet?): Help us decide what band to work with next, and if your choice comes true,…

Wilco Astronaut Poster seen in new film
We really enjoyed watching Wilco’s great concert film “Ashes of American Flags”. The last thing we expected to see in it was one of our posters…but, holy crap, there it…

Pick up some affordable poster love!
Check out the classified ads we presently have up at the world famous Gigposters.com and own yourself some affordable art! Let’s show that economy who’s boss… Prices from 10 bucks…

Get a Clue Design Studio is all up in your Face…book.
For those that may have missed the news earlier: Get a Clue Design Studio is on Facebook-ery. Here is the link to become a fan and stay current with upcoming…
Wilco Podcast Interview