Band hires Get a Clue Design for tour merchandise
We were very excited to be asked to help the band Everest with some of their merchandising design recently. Everest is touring with Neil Young, Wilco and Death Cab for…

Get a Clue Design part of Toledo Poster show
The fine folks at Madhouse graphic design in Toledo, OH invited us to be part of their latest poster design exhibit “Rock Paper Scissors”. The gallery space is located in…

Band hires Get a Clue Design for logo/tee shirt
A local band has hired us to design their logo and tee shirts. As you’ve likely gathered, the band’s name is 20/20, so the “vision” we had (sorry) was to…

Charleston City Paper features Poster Art show
Charleston’s City Paper has written a nice feature in the Visual Arts section on poster art. In particular, the “GIG!” exhibition at 52.5 records running through October. Read the article…

Poster designed for The Black Keys
We just finished work on a new poster design for the band The Black Keys.These fellow Ohio boys are super talented, make sure to hear them live or otherwise. The…

NEW “Audrey” Skate Deck added to shop!
We just released the new “Audrey” skate deck today. It’s a 8″ x 32″ deck, 7-Ply 100% Canadian Maple. Delicious. And it features Audrey Hepburn’s striking eyes…yup. Get it here!GETACLUEDESIGNBOARDPUSHER

Photo’s from “GIG!” poster design show
We are adding just a few pix taken by Chuck Keppler from the opening of the GIG! poster design show in downtown Charleston, SC. Enjoy. Get a Clue Design’s posters…
Wilco Podcast Interview