Town Mountain Album Design Wins Print Award
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Our album design for Asheville’s own Town Mountain was selected to be featured in “The Best Album Cover Print Designs” by DesignRush, a platform recognized industry wide for promoting…

Never Underestimate the Joy (and power) of a Cool Sticker
When a company or product is created, there’s many items that are born out of the design and branding for the project. One item that you’ll almost ALWAYS see as…

Dear Sweet Mr. Murpfy
Our dear, sweet Mr. Murpfy, I wanted to express to you what you meant to us, in part as an immense thank you for being part of our Pfamily, and…

“The Silent P is for Poster” Book is OUT on the town!
Our new book can now be found in several locations that are cool enough to carry it. We are so happy that the you can find the book locally…

Award for Album Packaging
The Communicator Award, 2022 Distinction Winner for “Only Alibis” album cover design. Client: Christian Love, Tom Martin

Celebrating 20 Years (!?)
Well, THAT was fun. 2023 marks our 20th year in business for ourselves guys. I personally would like to thank all of the clients and friends & family along the…

Rebranding the Rebrand
Case No. 67: Australian Open logo The big reveal for the updated logo & branding for the Australian Open has a lot going for it – I do like it…
Wilco Podcast Interview
https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/042rXHTCPzVaGwFc6SOEEp?utm_source=generator The podcast ‘Shoving Wilco’ recently interviewed us about the poster world and our unique relationship with Wilco, a band that we hold dear and are always inspired by –…