As some may know already, Manga (Japanese comic book) is still HUGE here. This was one small section at a bookstore we recently went to, total amount had to be…
Nakamura House & Murasaki Mura
We checked out the Nakamura home in central Okinawa, a house typical of a rich farmer back in the 15th century. We also enjoyed some time at the re creation…
Advertising and Engrish
BOSS coffee drinks loves Tommy Lee Jones. And it’s abundantly clear from the ad campaign here that Tommy is thrilled to help sell the product. Just to be clear: This…
A Day In Downtown Naha
On Sunday we opted to spend the day shopping in downtown Naha, the capital of Okinawa, around 1.3 million population. Every weekend on Sunday they close the main street to…

Okinawa Street Art on Sunabe Sea Wall
We enjoyed some delicious coffee and breakfast today at our fave spot, Casa Coffee in Okinawa. Since this is partly a business trip, we are adding some pretty cool graffiti…

Konichiwa From Osaka!
We have made it to Osaka Intl Airport, whew. That’s the big ol 747 that got us here. It is around 7:20 in the evening here, 6:20 a.m. your time!…

Skate decks design preview!
Four new deck designs added to the line.All decks are 7-ply 100% Canadian Maple eh.See the entire line here: 1. Juicy Fruit Stick deck 2. Monster deck 3. Snow…

New Wilco “Handlebar” Poster design.
Howdy pardner, this here new 18″ x 24″ Wilco poster is the cat’s meow, whiskers and all. The design is based on an original antique photo found locally, scanned, halftone…
Wilco Podcast Interview